BEWARE, LONG READ, PLEASE ENDUREAs a member of U, I have a few. I will try to explain the events of the wars as i post the BR's of the time they happened. I do not have all BR's, only the ones I've archived and were involved in. If others post the ones I was not in, or did not save, then you can see those.
To start off, TEC handed relics over to LIS when U attacked their hive. At this point, U decided TEC weren't anything we cared to deal with, and we prepped to fight LIS the next day. An LIS member saw this, and made the first move, attacking a dragon field we had set up within range of their hive.
On this day, a TRKY (This alliance changed their name to LIS1) member left and joined LIS (Karama) and also on the same day, he had 25 of what we estimate, 70 of his squads locked down and killed. I do not have this BR.
After another couple days of uneventful or minor battles, LIS pushed U back toward our hive with the minor help of O1, O2, TEC, and now LIS1. (In LIS' defense, they did the majority of this work. The others just harassed our infrastructure.) Around this time, myself and another player tried to lure two LIS members, Sebulba and FIERCE into a spied outpost with 1k infiltration, but apparently they had about 1.5k each on this outpost, and locked and damaged us. We subsequently died and then two more players died to them too, 108 squads vs 75 then 80 in two different battles. (I would post the BR of me vs them, but it's buried deep into my military events)
After this, they suffered heavy losses from those two battles and them being key players to their teams advance, they had to fall back and by doing that, their team did as well. LIS had a member die from inactively attacking an OP, Butters. Also around this time a U member (Cassandra) locked and trapped WorldRevolution and Viper, killing them both by himself. Later on in this night, FIERCE himself was killed as well before they eventually pulled back to their hive and we set back up around the same place it all started. Now the BR's start coming in:
After another couple days of repairs, I was back on the field and helping my teammates skirmish back and forth with two of LIS' key players, Shadowcat and Karama. They each held 54 squad armies and were active. Shadowcat had moved back to fly back into LIS hive, but landed on a heavily spied outpost on the way there, where we locked her down. Here's that BR.

After this, my team immediately set out to attack Karama's army, which was nearby sleeping in a camp OP (This is where I'd like to point out.. he could have defended Shadowcat if he was online, and likely saved both of them) here's his BR.

This is a crippling blow to LIS, and I think around this time both teams realize how the war is going to turn out.
The next day, as I was sleeping (shame on me.. I missed it) a U member, Julius MF Caesar JW was locked down and our other member relocated herself into harms way to save him. She threw up her shield on her colony and my team heavily reinforced her. I do not know exact numbers on either side, but LIS had rounded up the last of their armies and attacked the colony. LIS lost this battle, and it was the last large scale battle between LIS and U. Shortly after this, U marched into LIS hive and conquered them. During this time, TEC (now TSK) attempted to take their 3 relics back from LIS, but they lost two to U and managed to take the one to the far east side of the map where they relocated to (again relocating away from us).
There were several battles between LIS subs and U around this time, but I feel they're minor (even though the squad numbers were not) on the overall scheme of the war. Just know, several LIS1 members died and one took possession of a relic, where died. and LIS2 took one of our relics as we were leaving LIS area, and they died on it as well.
O1 agreed to a NAP as LIS fell, and they exited the war as well. Leaving TEC (TSK) to fight us alone. That is where we are now.
9 of the 10 relics are captured and secured by U, and 1 is still in TSK hands. We are currently attacking their hive and will likely have another BR to post shortly. this is the world rankings as of tick 2719