Hello everyone.
I am posting this thread on behalf of the future alliance Force, in which I aspire to create on Earth 2 (next era).
I have been in a number of successful alliances over my career, and led some too, however, in all honesty, I have never finished in first place.
I have played for 4-5 years myself, and I am on throughout the day on Weekdays (6-8 hours) and weekends (16-18 hours). I am looking for alliance members, and I am almost starting from scratch. I have friends already, who intend to join. They have played with me throughout my career on Battle Dawn. I am looking to take first place and will be taking this next era extremely seriously. I also intend to boost this era, however, I don't expect you to boost yourselves. With a dominant, inattentive leader, the alliance will probably not succeed as it would if everyone contributed and valued everyone's ideas.
The style of alliance it will be, in one word, is strategic. The word strategic is made up of many other words and phrases, such as co-operation. To have an alliance with a high degree of co-operation (and thus being strategic) requires a lot of activity and organising + planning with your team mates. The word strategic is also made up of thinking 'out side the box', but no, not the regular box that is implemented into every time this phrase is used, but the box outside that box

Being imaginative can pay off extremely well in Battle Dawn, and there's no better feeling than out witting your opponent in a game-changing battle.
In addition, Force will be very laid back, not in the sense of laziness, however, although I will be leading the alliance, I will be taking ideas and orders from everyone within the alliance. I value these ideas and orders, to the same degree that I'd expect you'd value mine

Just to sum up the requirments:
- Must have Skype:A special, dedicated group chat will be created for this era.
Microphone and Webcam are not needed, however a microphone is preferred
Good English.
Constant communication means that we are more organised, and execute attacks better
Urgent information can be delivered to everyone, quickly.
- Activity:A long log in at least every 15 (30 ticks) hours, for long durations of time, and more during important events
This will give you a greater chance of obtaining mines/wells/conquers/outposts
It would mean that we can do things together, more often and more effectively as an alliance.
- Experience:To have at least played Battle Dawn for 1.5 years - this isn't as fixed as it sounds, I'm easily persuadable
- PersonalityOpen minded
Co operative
Alliance Member List1)Arron
2) Dilan
3) Marek
4) Edgaras
5) Insane
6) Life
7) Katrina
8) Cody
9) Deepak
10)AlexPlease reply to this thread if you wish to apply.
Leave your player details below.
Don't feel disheartened by the requirments
Thank you for your time.
Edit: We are full. Thank you for your time

If you are interested in creating/joining our sub then please contact me via Skype: jedi-arron