So let's see here. I have 21 losses this week. 15 were due to in game glitches like this one. 3 because I clicked ranking without canceling my battle and it put me in a battle where i couldnt play. (fix that pls. Why the hell would u make it an option to look at clan/ladder/replays if it will make u lose a battle??? Nonsense.) And 3 other losses were my fault cuz i accidentally turned my wifi off mid-game. My win lose ratio is basura. I look like a friggin noob or a scrub that has no skill whatsoever. Now here's the thing... Every time a new week starts I tell myself "Okay, no unneeded losses" "The only losses I'll have are legitimate ones". But of course it doesnt take long for random technical bugs to sabotage my win streaks, place in ladder and my number of losses. Not to mention pads but that's another story. This game is quite disappointing. Also can we fix the thing that takes u from chat to workshop? It serves no useful purpose and is annoying.