1.) Most important idea: Can you add the ability from old battlemechs to aim at the torso for main damage or target other specific areas for a chance to disable a gun or legs, etc? 2.) Could there be the possibility to target a mech's drone (it's own HP, and a chance to hit/miss since the drone wouldn't be that strong.) 3.) Could you bring back the airdrop from battlemechs? this idea I have been unsure about because it may add too much chance to the game, which I don't think is good. Some chance, but not alot. Skill, strategy and experience should be the most important elements. 4.) A new weapon idea: Name: Idk something with the word 'mine' in it. Supermechs weapon names are too wacky for me so Ill leave that up to them. Stats: -Level 20-something -Price-13-14000 -Damage 45-55 explosive -Range 1-3 -Max use 2 The gun can be either a direct-fire weapon OR a strategic mine-launcher. If used as a mine layer it can send a mine a short distance away which will go off it passed over. It cannot be destroyed but will only last for 2 maybe 3 turns. This could add a LOT to the strategic aspect of the game. Note: The range, max use and damage is very important to this idea to maintain effectiveness yet limit its useability