how to defend: keep ur fleet on ur colony
How to attacks: click on ur fleet and click on the target that u want to atk it
u can atk from an outpost or ur colony or a relic u cant atk from a mine or a camp
camp: a razed outpost with units or agent on it
if u lost the battle u will be conquered but dont worry u will be able to rebel and i suggest u start rebelling once u have enough army to fight that happens to most of the new players who joins in the middle of the era
after the era ends Havoc will start and then u can make a new beggining from tick 1 to take advantage
when does era ends:
when an alliance control 10 relics
what is HAVOC:
u get a huge amount of resources at the end of the era and u r free to do whatever u want and there is some competitions in the Havoc that u can try to win it
if u need anything u can post here and i suggest u check
the wiki before asking