32Gaming wrote:
Since you brang up the new mythical shotgun, I was starting to think why not make all the other shotguns 3 range, too? I mean, the classic shotgun range has always been 2, but if they're raising it to 3, shouldn't all the other mythical shotguns follow the same fate? I also think this would put a fine line between the op points of a normal shotgun and a myth one. I think they should definitely implement this in the rest of the mythical shotguns.
the new myth shotgun doesn't have 3 range, it also has 2 range its just that field has been shifted by 1 going from 1-2 to 2-3
I can also think of many scenarios where 1-2 would be more useful than 2-3 (which excludes adjacent mechs such as after a col or meteor which is very popular these days) so it is by no means "op".
I also think this would put a fine line between the op points of a normal shotgun and a myth one.
I would like to adress the part where you seem to imply that the myth shotguns are not significantly better than the legendary "normal" shotguns already which I think is false, in a certain ways
as you can see, using heat as an example, the myth version has 15 additional heat damage which is replicated in the energy shotguns aswell, aswell as including 2 resistance drain while the legendary has none. while very crucialy, the mythical shotgun has only 1 knockback as opposed to 2 making it pivotalif you need to use a redrain + shotgun build.
and the increased damage points of the legendary are misleading since the avarage damage inflicted from the legendary is only 10 more whith the avarage damage of a myth being 75 and the average of the legendary being 85 which isnt a very good trade off for losing 15 heat or energy damage and the potential for the redrain + shotgun combo. the only thing that could conceivably make legendary better is in the case of heat shotguns legendary doesnt need the 5 energy but most heat shotgun users will bring an energy kit anyways.