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 Post subject: Battle Dawn Contest!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:13 am 
Lieutenant Major
Lieutenant Major
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First off, after reading this, if you have any questions regarding this topic, post them here: viewtopic.php?f=92&t=6470


Alright folks, the time has come for the start of all the preparations for the BD contest. If you have not heard of it, then please visit this topic:

This contest is NOT for this current M1 round, it will begin at the next reset of M1. Yes, i know this is a while away, HOWEVER, preparations for this contest will be long and tedious, so I am posting it now. Also, it helps to get the word spread out before the contest starts, since alliances need to sign up to enter the contest.

This topic is here for those who wish to sign up and join the contest. I would like for leaders who wish to have lead alliance to participate in the contest to sign up here. I don't want every member signing up individually. Get your teams ready, and 1 representative (usually leader, but doesn't have to be) will post here with their team.

The current prize for the winners: 2800 tokens (if you'd like to donate more to the contest, please message malicewolf)

The rules are the following:
- 1 representative will sign their team up for the contest
- Each team may have 2 representatives, incase the original representative is absent for any reason, to post updates throughout the contest
- Alliances may consist of 12 members
- Members must be listed before contest starts, you cannot recruit throughout the round constantly
- There will be 8 subs allowed through the entire round (for those who find they need to replace some members- NO MORE THAN 8 REPLACEMENTS PER ALLIANCE). However, only 5 subs may be made once the round has started, whether or not you used the 3 available before the round starts. You must post when changes occur to your team roster, before and during the contest. So choose your team wisely! Any replacements after the limit will not add any points to your score.
- The contest will be based on a contest point system, not the in-game point system. The winner will be determined by the contest's rules.
- No contest members may switch between other contest alliances
- Those not involved in the contest have every right to hit those in contest, as well as contest members can hit people outside of it.
- NO ALLIANCES, NAPS, ETC. CAN BE MADE BETWEEN ALLIANCES PARTICIPATING IN CONTEST! You can ally any alliance outside of the contest, but doing so will only hurt your chances at winning the contest as that ally not only takes away potential points, but also causes you a small deduction in points.
- The contest was made to PROMOTE wars, not peace. Those participating cannot gang up on one alliance without consequences.
- If a contest alliance is totally wiped out (meaning all members are conquered or a majority of their army is destroyed), no contest alliance will gain anymore points from that alliance for 250 ticks (should be more than enough time to rebuild).
- This 250 tick time limit starts once all members have been conquered, or if an admin (of the contest) says that it has started. It will be up to the admin’s discretion where the points will no longer be counted; determined by the screenshots given. This is to prevent an alliance from beating a dead horse and basically farming them for points.
- Farming alliances will end in deduction of points from the alliance that is farming and the alliance being farmed will gain the points deducted. Will be at admin’s discretion again.
- The alliance that wins the contest at the end of the round will receive the tokens and only those currently in the alliance when they won will receive the prize.

The contest point system is explained in the other topic. It is located below the large bold blue font, so scroll down until you see it, then read underneath. It's not too much to read, as much as it seems to be.

Sign up if you wish to participate and you will be added to the alliance list.

Special thanks goes out to Routhy, Chaos and Simmen for their contributions!

I will be editing this list as alliance sign up.
Participating Alliances:

Gettin' real tired of your shi...


 Post subject: Re: Battle Dawn Contest!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:32 am 
First Lieutenant
First Lieutenant

Joined: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:36 pm
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Question about this, suppose my alliance doesn't enter the tournament, but beats one that does, and wins the era, what happens then?


"Nukes are like hard liquer-They make people feel tougher than they really are"-CSTORM666


 Post subject: Re: Battle Dawn Contest!
PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:30 am 
Lieutenant Major
Lieutenant Major
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Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:02 pm
Posts: 1622
1. did you not read the VERY FIRST LINE OF THIS TOPIC!!!!
2. It doesn't matter, you win the round, but you don't get the reward from this contest. This contest is based off of a completely different point system, so it doesn't matter if some other alliance wins the round. Fighting gives an alliance within the contest points for the contest. Winner gets tokens. Simple as that, now PLEASE refrain from asking anymore questions on here

Gettin' real tired of your shi...


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