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 Post subject: Earth 1 Nuclear Rogue
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:01 am 
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Happy 4th of July just in case I do not see you all.


It is what it is


 Post subject: Re: Earth 1 Nuclear Rogue
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:58 pm 
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The best part about this.... is that the relics got downgraded to OPs :)



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 Post subject: Re: Earth 1 Nuclear Rogue
PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:19 pm 
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What exactly happened? Anyone mind explaining this to me.



 Post subject: Re: Earth 1 Nuclear Rogue
PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:43 pm 
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Being a high ranking member in the underground command (council) that Doc claims to have no knowledge of. Places me in a very unusual position. I have been asked repeatedly not to comment about this many times (from both parties). Seeing as how events have turned and since your asking so nicely, I'm disclosing my involvement.

I am witness via the official underground IRC conversations leading up to this nuclear strike. I'm not sure of the tick count but these conversations took place in late June and early July leading up to and after this nuclear strike. I have just joined Earth 1, for this what I'm calling underground civil war. I was witness to conversation where Doc and Aladar discussed Earth 1 issues.

The conversation started with arguments to the rights of the name underground which over the days that followed turned in to a UE vs ML urinating contest. Basically you have Doc telling Aladar a underground ranking officer that he joined the wrong side of the playing field. These issues were quickly solved by the suggestion that Aladar create a conflict with UE then relocate join the UnGd. They spent a lot of time making up different scenarios and time frames for this mission.

Conveniently Aladar posted his resignation from UE here lol. As I understand things the plan was to cause as much havoc with in UE in order to slow their growth and create panic. Being a drama queen 0_o Aladar posts this topic. I as did the rest of the real UG community enjoyed it very much, great show that day. Now the days after the nuclear strike Doc was very nervous freaked then began disrespecting Aladar and the community saying that the post was to much and well he got irate and called us names and every thing, refusing to send Aladar's invite.

Ok if I have the story right,this is when Aladar deleted his colony and declared a jihad on the UnGd. I am a third party to these events and I do smokem tall peace pipe so forgive me if any of my facts are off.

Follow me into the fires of death and we will conquer the after life our battle field sins have denied us. I am WuXing.


 Post subject: Re: Earth 1 Nuclear Rogue
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:44 am 

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Posts: 126
Lol, this is getting more entertaining by the post.

WuXing, put your libel in the UGC vs UnGd thread please, no need to spam the forums with your ill fated attempts to discredit me.


 Post subject: Re: Earth 1 Nuclear Rogue
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:33 pm 
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Funny Doc Hobo you cannot sit here and deny that fact that I message you during the nuclear rouge attacks on the United Empire stating that the job was done and that I would be joining you after I deleted my colony.

It is what it is


 Post subject: Re: Earth 1 Nuclear Rogue
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:42 pm 

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You did message me something about how you were going to take crystals from someone (which you never did lol) and you would relocate near me so I could take them (also, which you never did) and I responded with something to the effect of "whatever, do what you want to do" because I had no part in it.

However, I can very honestly say that I have never wanted to invite you in, no matter how much you want to be invited in, and I really dont care what happens to you whatsoever, and never have for that matter. You pissed me off back in the old days with your lack of honorable play, and you still piss me off.

BTW: "the job was done" ?? You are continuing with your whole story of backhanded play and spying on UE? For god's sake, didnt I already prove you wrong with your own words in the other thread? Let it go man, youre just spamming now.


 Post subject: Re: Earth 1 Nuclear Rogue
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:40 pm 
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Doc your getting out of hand. This is one of the biggest reasons I came forward with my involvement in this. Your always talking out of your arss. Did you not come to IRC? Did you not take part in conversation about e1 issues on IRC? You claim your words are being taken out of context but the fact is you keep spitting off at the mouth trying to generate some spin.

This would have never came to light if you held your part of the agreement and sent the invites and shared the underground success with other underground members. Instead you approached us as a threat to your leadership rule in the alliance. Not once did we say that you did a poor job or did not deserve the credit for turning the underground into a success. But being paranoid and high on this ego trip e1 has taking you on clouded your decisions after the nuke strike, created the situation we find our two underground alliances in.

Not only would you have recruited several very skilled players you would have reunited comrades and given new sense of empowerment to all the members returning and current. Another mistake I can not allow your training fault. The true underground would have welcomed past members back and if not invited them made sure they were as well off as my self sharing any success generated by the underground. It is a very important point, when I lead alliances that if one of us is down we all are trying to help that member up and when things are good all members are sharing the glory.

Follow me into the fires of death and we will conquer the after life our battle field sins have denied us. I am WuXing.


 Post subject: Re: Earth 1 Nuclear Rogue
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:27 pm 

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Look, I can feel my IQ dropping as I respond to you over and over, proving you wrong with your own words over and over. My time is much better spent actually playing the game and being successful there, so I will only be paying attention to the other thread now.

And because this thread has just become just another place for WuXing and Aladar to attempt to discredit me and to further their stupidity levels, I request that this thread gets locked.


 Post subject: Re: Earth 1 Nuclear Rogue
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:38 pm 
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msomeoneelsez wrote:
Look, I can feel my IQ dropping as I respond to you over and over, proving you wrong with your own words over and over. My time is much better spent actually playing the game and being successful there, so I will only be paying attention to the other thread now.

And because this thread has just become just another place for WuXing and Aladar to attempt to discredit me and to further their stupidity levels, I request that this thread gets locked.

Man this Doc Hobo has a huge ego... well for one thing Doc you cannot come into my topic and request a lock.

There is much to discuss here with the United Empire and all that are involved in this mastermind plot to take down the United Empire from within as stated and suggested by both UnGd and mL forces.

Since when did any "average jose" been able to come into topics that they have not started and requested a lock? FFS you gotta be eating the paint chips a little too much Doc.

So Doc Hobo stay on topic and plea your case and admit to me and the BD community that you did in fact talk down about the United Empire and I quote "the UE will not be #1 much longer (this being a month ago) and that they are a "crap" team and how I joined the wrong side this era"... end quote.

It is what it is


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