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 Post subject: Nicias' amazing guide to victory!
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:04 am 
Private 1st class
Private 1st class
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Joined: Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:42 pm
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Ok so im going to tell people how to play like a top player, if u want to bug me and tell me im doin somtin wrong, shut up. but if u here to listen the yay :D.
ok first thing is first
1.location, location, location!
Where you start is everything. starting in a corner means you dont have enemies on all sides, and that a relic will eventually spawn by you. Yet it also means less conquers. I tend to just start smack dab in the middle. Most noobs just zoom in right away and build in the middle. Building near a bunch of players ensures that you will have plenty of conquers.
2. what to build, what to build?
First things first, FARMS! you need these bad boys. they r crucial in gaining population which is super important. Build up to lvl 5 farm fast. Also you will want to build up ur gold and lumber as they are important. in the begining gold is more important than lumber, but later u need lumber, and ALOT of it to move your army arround. My personal build is farm lvl 5 GM lvl 4 Mill lvl 3
3. Early military.
In the begining evry1 has infantry. This means that most people will build anti infantry units only. A good way to counter this is to just build up to stables. I normally use an all cav army, so it good to do this. Once that is done, dont even bother going for heavys just yet. it cost alot to build the place, and u dont need em. Next u will want to build up ur upgrades. You will want to be able to build range units as early as possible. This will give u a key advantage over other players. If you are lacking resources, just build damage units for now and get conquers. After you have some conquers from ur advanced army build those range units and immediatly STOP! building damage units. they are terrible! ( i like to say damage units damage your army XD)
4. Alliances
Joining an alliance is key, but make sure you join the right one. Join an alliance that is in a corner, or edge of the map. These places make it easier to hold relics. Also make sure everyone in the alliance is building all the same unit types. An alliance of all inf is better than a mixed alliance of inf, cav and heavy. this allows the alliance to work together, and ppl wont lose an entire army for being the only one with heavys. If you wish to create ur own alliance, make sure that people are active! this (to me anyways) is a little more important than achievments. If someone isn't active how can they work together with u? they cant.
5. armour in your military.
a quik rundown of armour in your military. the standard ratio is 1:2. that is 1 armour for evry 2 other units, giving u a 33.33% armour. you will want to include the armours in same squad as range units, as this makes it easier to split your army. inf sqd=10 armour 20 range cav sqd 5 armour 10 range
heavy sqd 3 armour 7 range (they are at an armour disadvantage with only 30% armour but hav a little more firepower. personally this isnt worth it so i go with either inf or cav.)
6. extra resources.
to get extra resources you will want to capture relics, crystals and most imprtantly RESOURCE OPS! resource ops give +5 of thier respected resource plus they add 1 more to your population. crystals, although nice to increase your own score, only give 1/4 resources each. so dont be greedy! get resource ops!!

Hope this guide helps. I know it is incomplete but this is just to help people get started, i hope to make a guide on fighting strategies and how to be a good diplomat, also advanced guide for people who know what to do and want to kik even more butt! I like to hear feedback, so please let me know what you think. should i make another guide? or am i just rly crappy :(.

Chek me out on F2, no one else except for agamemnon compares :P

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 Post subject: Re: Nicias' amazing guide to victory!
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:35 am 
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Joined: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:09 pm
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You practically "copied" or idk my guide. Anyways, nice.



When we were dreaming.. things were better and all.
I'm starting at- at the start.
Rank 26 NR|UD| #1 Win.

~ I must be dreaming.. ~


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