that may be a good guide but sadly it isnt that simple
you make it sound easy in the guide but to get a top alliance need true loyal members like i have on M1, members who have been with me now for 2 eras and ad getting ready to fight by my side next era takeing us up to 3 era together
aother problem is unless you are REALY experienced you will struggle to go up against supporters at 1st, while most supporters lack experience so can be taken down fairly easy others combind skill and money to make a force to be careful of
than you come onto other alliances, should you make them friendly or hostile?
is it good to have alot of friendlys close by to keep you safe or bad as u have to travel further to get conquers, than what happens if one backstabs you?
there can be no true guide to makeing a compleatly sucessful alliance
a good leader needs to think on his feet, plan ahead at all times and allways be ready for the worse case sinario so if it dose happen it wont seem so bad

yes u can read guides like this and get pointers, but no guide can make u the leader of the number 1 alliance