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 Post subject: DETH backstabs RT
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:40 pm 
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ok its not official yet but its obvious ...

the round started and i gave DETH friendship , offering them 2nd so long as RT got all 10 relics and recieved 1st .

fom the get go deth was moving against us .... i ahd numerous alliance attack ( and still attacking us ) most claiming to be working a co alition with deth to bring down RT .

after confronting them about it deth denies it to the death ... but it was obvious to me they were still behind it .

i let it go since some people especially rennee i believed would never do such a thing but i was wrong . dead wrong .

i relocated RT since deth was close an i had no trust for the especially since they recruited 4 anti RT players from aroudnt he world

our initial deal was not to cross a small lake dividing our 2 continants , once we rleocated deth instantly jumped over the river , when told to pull back they did not claiming we have mutiple things in range of them and they had none in range of us , so i begun removing things as a friendly act towards deth , what do i get in return ??

deth arms nukes withing 16 or so ticks of our colonies , spreads further and further around our area , and now moved withing srtiking range of our colonies . when confronted LANGY gives me co ords of nukes and gates saying this is why were so close .... the nukes not in rnage of deth , the gate not even in breach of the deal and not even within 24 ticks of deth

then rennee basicly tells me they are moving on an alliance right in my hive to push me into attacking thus breaking the deal , BUT deth has broken the deal by moving so close to us anyway

Chad says:
thinking were inactive so time to take advantage?
Renee says:
we are thinking that we will take as many crystals as we can

lmao nice one rennee

i must say mcragge ,, not the best way to come back to bd . what a disgrace you have made deth into .



 Post subject: Re: DETH backstabs RT
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:02 pm 
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And the fact that early on in the round we had a gate near DETH, however in order for this alliance to pass through, the gate was to be downgraded and razed, which was done and the gate was about 3-4 eta to about 3 colonies, and this was at like tick 400-500?

Now you want to move your armies towards us claiming to war a smaller alliance with 20 crystals but the real deal here is to get to us as they are right next to us. I don't think anybody in their right mind would war an alliance that has semi-high power for 20 crystals, not with the losses you may get, but that's not the case since it's in our hive.

If anyone attacks Rcon or KIA is like attacking YOU, then I can say clearly attacking "them" is like attacking US because you're going into our hive.

Now, you're already moving units into place and have multiple gates and radars, and whilst I don't see a slightest thing we got that can harm you at all (in terms of outpost placements).

【Wins】 - 【12】


 Post subject: Re: DETH backstabs RT
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:47 pm 

Joined: Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:53 am
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Yeah, but I cant say I didnt expect it, im not all that worried though lol, DETH will soon learn how much harder it is to attack a hive then defend one ^^, so far they've just built up power on alliences 1/5 of their size, that didnt have much teamwork...I dont know if they honestly think there fooling anyone with this "War with B thing" we all know their true intentions, least have the b@lls to do it up right.....

I wish world war 17 could've waited till I got more of a chance to enjoy easy conquers and no worries, but you cant have your cake and eat it to I guess ;D

M2/RT/Zebra of True Crime(rank 30 sumthing lol)
M3 Speed(kong)/RU/ Zebra of True Color(1-5)



 Post subject: Re: DETH backstabs RT
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:06 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:20 pm
Posts: 1275
Hehe, let it begin, jammed and 44 squads incoming from DETH :D

Party time, you made the first move ^^

【Wins】 - 【12】


 Post subject: Re: DETH backstabs RT
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:31 pm 
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AnitsuEx wrote:
Hehe, let it begin, jammed and 44 squads incoming from DETH :D

Party time, you made the first move ^^

No your leader made the first move when he decided it would be ok to run Renee's name through the mud and try to ruin her impeccable reputation to save his own skin and make him look good.


Mars1 Age2 - DETH #6 (oc) | Mars2 Age4 - DETH #1 (nc)
Mars1 Age3 - DETH #2 (oc) | Fant6 Age5 - DETH #1 (nc)
Mars1 Age4 - DETH #1 (oc)
Mars1 Age5 - DETX #3 (oc)
Mars1 Age6 - DETH #1 (oc)


 Post subject: Re: DETH backstabs RT
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:39 pm 

Joined: Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:53 am
Posts: 28
LOL, going to war with an "ally" because "he called me names mommy" xD, I'm surprised you aernt warring everyone ^_^

Everyone knows your just a crystal hungry backstabber, you took advantage of Chads friendship and ran THAT though the mud, You've ran DETHs name though the mud.

I hope you've got 10 times what your sending now, All im seeing now is a sluggish feeble attack ;p

If your gonna betray some1 atleast plan ahead and make it fun xD

M2/RT/Zebra of True Crime(rank 30 sumthing lol)
M3 Speed(kong)/RU/ Zebra of True Color(1-5)



 Post subject: Re: DETH backstabs RT
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:43 pm 
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Really, McCragge? You have members telling us BS. Bmac,, we let it go, LOL. Of course you'll call them like...just a tantrum don't mind them ^^, but this is just another lame excuse because well...the Renee stuff was posted yesterday? And you actually took your time to get MORE squads into position before declaring? Why didn't you declare yesterday instead of today?

【Wins】 - 【12】


 Post subject: Re: DETH backstabs RT
PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:10 am 
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dudes...if i had my way..RT would have been in the ashes a long time ago...this round would have been over...a LONG time ago...but flag...cant attack...backstabing =badname...but...chad did that already..first...he goes around saying that i am a who have i ever atatcked an alliacne that was allies with me?when have i ever left an alliacne and attacked them?when?name it...thats right never...but you going around saying Bmac is a traidor...he will leave and attack you...better kick and conquar him!!!why?are you afriad?i think you are...i know you are...this is what you should expect from someone that will do anything to get his last win...his 3rd win...he will ruin the names of others...well chad...guess what...your not getting your win...not here your not....see you have ran into a brick wall...something you have never seen before...something that has stoped you dead in your track...thats right...its DETH!and um we were #1 before this war started..we could have done no way...and still won...anti RT?the only one anti RT is me...Willirob has come to hate your alliacne cause of all the bs they talk about him and him hate him?why because you all envy him?cause he has 90 squads?you can talk all you want...but dont talk about supporting...plz dont get me started on your members...because im sure that some donate more then SURE...seeing how they have told me....i KNOW.

thanks for your time



 Post subject: Re: DETH backstabs RT
PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:37 am 
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We hate Willirob because he is literally the definition of a (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..).

First he gets himself banned by trying to cuss us out. Then he starts making broadcasts insulting us and messages our members insulting them.

Sure, the fact that he donates doesn't really improve his reputation, but I could care less about how many tokens he spends. It's his decision if he would rather buy power than conquer for it.

I would like to see Willirob actually do something worthy before he talks crap. I have never seen him before, now he pops up in M2 and E2. Right now I will think of him as a noob until I see him accomplish something great.

As for you Bmac, please again try and stop and read over your posts. Way too many periods, it's hurts my eyes. I don't want to offend you, but full sentences are better than a bunch of 2nd grade level sentences spaced out by three periods each.

And Chad is no bad player. He doesn't talk crap the way Willi does and doesn't try and ruin the names of others unless he actually has a reason.
You don't just magically win two eras in a row, you have to earn it. M2E2 we defeated Meow fair and square. M2E3 ROTF decided to attack GA, and since we had NO NAPS or any agreements we attacked them first, conquered all of them fairly, and then moved on to GA and conquered all of them fairly. No foul play. It's not our fault they attacked each other and that we were smart enough to wait. We knew war would happen. And they both basically gave up, letting us come right into their hives.

So, what you are basically saying is that if things had been you way you would have backstabbed us in the beginning? I can picture you begging Mccragge to backstab us when we attacked Rcon, well good thing Mccragge isn't that kind of a player.
And again, Willirob started talking crap to us first when we attacked him a long time ago at the beginning of the era.

Best Rank: 2 Most Crystals: 341 Total Relics: 4 Most Power: 394 Rounds won: 4
Unky's Oil Fairy


 Post subject: Re: DETH backstabs RT
PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:09 am 
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Joined: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:37 pm
Posts: 60
lets see here, why dont we start with a ... to start this all off...

i wasnt in DETH when u all attacked RCon..and what i ment by that is...i would have broken off the little agreement that was their..and would have had a war...and 1 more thing...Willirob isnt a nub he was in OC...he stoped playing and is back u can go and call him what you think your words are hurting us?also...chad has won 2 rounds...good job...but now you have a new challenge put up against you...think you can take the heat?you can always finish in second and hand over the relics to us if you our wing man.



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