ZeR47 wrote:
yeah man when we relocated with in the first day you guys conquered us and there was no NAP after that unless I wasn't told? but why wouldn't your leader contact the other leader?
im the one who attacked everyone of you when you guys first moved there , and my leader has to be begged for a NAP .., he dosent give out many ..i bet we only have 4 right now ..,
i would not have attacked you if we had one with you , he didnt say anything about a NAP untill after i conquered most of you by myself .. then i liberated you guys out of good faith and to show friendship , that same day you guys nuked my leader 6 times and attacked all the radars , and gates we had around you ,
so the NAP was violated by your members , and then about 5 of us attacked your hive ( see picture above ) and force relocated you . thats the play by play as i seen it .. but your storys are totally different , i dont know why that is ..or why my leader would have NAP with you guys before you even moved to our location , when he want give NAP'S with anyone hardly ,
i will try to get my leader in here to reply to this , there may be things i dont know about , that maybe he could clarify , couse if you guys are telling the truth ..he didnt mark you friendly or even stop me from attacking you guys ..i seen easy conquers and atacked ...give me a little bit to tell him his presence is needed in here , brb .