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 Post subject: Military scan results
PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:57 am 

Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:25 am
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From the wiki: 'Note: ... This scan has an accuracy of +/- 50%. This means 50% of the actual amount of units, not of the scan result. This means that the actual number of units may vary from 66% to 200% of the scan result.'

So, consider the following reports:


Firstly the one with a blue background.
1a. Total is stated as 3. Can this actually range from 2 to 6, or 3 to 6?
1b. Vehicles is stated as 100%. Is this completely accurate, or does it also have uncertainty?

Secondly, the one with a black background.
2. Soldiers is given as 33%; Vehicles as 66%. Can it be inferred from this that the raio of soldiers to vehicles MUST be 1:2, and therefore there must be exactly 3 or 6 units present?

(i.e. there must be either {1 soldier and 2 vehicles} or {2 soldiers and 4 vehicles}; nothing else is possible)

Please make it clear where you are answering each question - 1a, 1b and 2.


 Post subject: Re: Military scan results
PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:16 am 
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"1a. Note: ... This scan has an accuracy of +/- 50%.This means 50% of the actual amount of units, not of the scan result."

Scan shows 3.
3*2 = 6 (6 x 0.5 = 3 )
3*0.66reoccurring = 2 (maths behind this: 2 x 0.5 = 1. 2+1=3. 3 = scan result)

So, actual amount of troops could be 2 - 6.


1b. Has uncertainty, I think by 50% of the actual amount. Not sure exactly how it works. Though, you can assume from those scans that there is 1 soldier and 2 vehicles on the target.

2. Since the % are uncertain, you can assume, but not be 100% sure. The first scan shows 100% vehs, second shows some inf, obviously not 100% accurate. This can be shown more clearly when scanning a high volume of troops, the %'s vary greatly scan to scan.

Hope I've answered your questions, let us know if you have any others. :)

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 Post subject: Re: Military scan results
PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:17 am 
Sergeant Major
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blue background:
1a: 2 to 6
1b: if it's 100% then it's accurate (or with a very small inaccuracy, like 1 unit in 100 squads, that isn't that important and does not factor much into the outcome of the battle)

black background:
the number of scanned inf is 1, scanned veh is 2

so the actual number of inf is from 1 ~ 2
actual number of veh is 1 ~ 4

total unit range from 2 ~ 6
smallest possible percentage of inf : 20% (1 inf 4 veh)
largest possible percentage of inf : 66% (2 inf 1 veh)

this is why, if u scan the OP with the black background again, there are chances that u will see a different ratio.



 Post subject: Re: Military scan results
PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:18 am 
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These answers are from my understanding of the game:

1a. The total can be from 2-6

1b. I do believe that the % values are entirely accurate. With 100% certainty, there are only vehichles in that outpost.

2. What Aister said.

Cool guys, beat me by a minute!

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Last edited by firemanpete on Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.


 Post subject: Re: Military scan results
PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:29 am 
Sergeant Major
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actually the percentage is not 100% accurate, as I said, if the scan is 100% inf, it will be accurate and the army will be all inf (with some exception of a very small amount of units of other chassis compare to the army), however, if it's well-mixed, there are inaccuracies, like I showed in my previous post and the image above



 Post subject: Re: Military scan results
PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:08 pm 

Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:25 am
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