There are massive riots in english top rank chats.
Noobs are ganging up on high ranked players and savagely assaulting us, and taking all of our tokens. GeVy and Marija fell victim just minutes before I typed this. I'm currently on the run, being pursued. I'm dangerously low on health kits. Happy poppers is slowly bleeding out in front of me and bestof is nowhere to be found. I dont know how much longer I can hold out. I already used all of my medals as throwing ninja stars. Chaos, anarchy, and fear run rampant like a silent cancer through the narrow corridors we call "super mechs". Bunneh wabbuts are having their heads chopped off and mounted onto poles. I can't bear to think that anyone in their right mind can deem this acceptable. This is no longer a "joke". It's a matter of life and death.
Top clan players (myself included) are threatening to go on strike, organize boycotts and unions, if this is not corrected. Some are even saying they'll quit or rebel against
Development. We do not forgive. We do not forget. lmao I cant. I tried.
*laughs hysterically* Ahhhhh. Just gimme my stuff man.