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 Post subject: 1HP BUG
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:11 am 

Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:07 am
Posts: 2
Since the beginning of the second era I've repeatedly reported a nasty bug (that I've called "1HP BUG") that was making me (and others for that matter) loosing a lot of troops. I've lost more then 150 units because of this nasty event that happened 4 times ! This BUG affects ALL units in an outpost or a castle that leave the target just 1 tick before a dragon hit it. ALL units loose their hit points down to 1HP and if there are enemy troops at the destination point you guys will loose a bunch of them or even all of them because they don't heal in transit. They will enter the battle with 1HP !
Sorry for my mates in ISKC but I will leave the game because it's not worth spending time in a game with such an important design flaw unsolved !!! Admin and the rest of the design team spent time making UFOs and other little surprises and doing nothing for a problem that should be on top of their list !

SoranX of Zeremoth


 Post subject: Re: 1HP BUG
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:36 am 
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This isn't a bug, but a feature which has been in existence to stop people from evading dragons since old client.

Best Regards,

Product Manager
Battle Dawn

Skype: dreamerofdestruction


 Post subject: Re: 1HP BUG
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:31 am 
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not bug, it's the way the game work

Thank you Michael
Thank you developers
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 Post subject: Re: 1HP BUG
PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:29 pm 
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It's not a bug but it is a design flaw. We will be adding that ALL players who have squads/spies on a target will get events if any spy action, nuke/dragon strike or ion cannon/fire storm spell happen on it.

Also we'll be making it that if your units are within the blast radius of a nuke/dragon that the event will state that your units were affected.




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