Aye Cianog, put your pants on. We're warring TFG.
Now I know people will whine, moan and complain about this. But first of all, I'd like to point out quite a few things:
1) TFG, we NEVER had a NAP. I asked Asarum/Xyrim to have a NAP with you guys, he said okay, but I believe I told him to tell the TFG leader to PM me. I kept waiting bro. No talk? No NAP.
2) You attacked our sub BoSe. We both know I said I'd stay out of it, and it is true. Still, you came down on me and told me you wouldn't stop the war even if I requested it. The fact remains you attacked my sub, so even if I said I'd stay neutral, this DOES make me consider my options with you guys.
3) DB, you did respect Xyrim's decision. But your members didn't. They spammed Xyrim, they sent threatening PMs and attempted to kill his army. This is the final straw.
These are my moral reasons. Now, comes the real reason, supported by reason #1:
You gave us a chance. Now I know it was probably a taunt. You probably wanted this war. Well, careful what you wish for. Because, we didn't backstabb you. We didn't do anything morally incorrect. DB, I personally respect you, specially for your help to BoS in E4 about 2-3 eras ago. I loved fighting alongside you and against you. Good times. Let's see if we both get some fun again. And if you or your members are sore about this, remember guys; this is a game, and it's not a game for fools. Honor is what drives us, but being honorable doesn't mean we're dumbasses. So let's have a good war, get this E4 heat off the charts