In F2 Current era (ERA 35) I was going very good and had 200+ Soilders in 200 ticks but my current alliance was not active nor powerful so i wised to join DD and they accepted.
I told my leader to not attack me as i am joining them and i left.He messaged me back that they will not attack me.After this i went to sleep leaving all my units to my colony.When i came back on morning i saw that the leader sucided on me but i only lost few units and i killed his army.
Leader excused me for the attack and said that his cousin attack my colony and he didn't know.I didn't take that seriously.Then again the whole alliance(UC) attacked me but i saved my units but lost 3 crystals , 7 conquerors and got conquered.After this i joined DD.They libretrated my colony so i thought that they will not attack me so went offline.When i logged in i saw that they had attacked me again and had killed my whole army.

But now i am willing to rebuild as i have the production of 300 Gold and 180 Wood per tick so i am going to take my revenge with my alliance.

UC !! You better stop backbasting other players.