Yup, who else, it has to be that Orbit fellow.
First off I never set out to be in the top of the rankings, but somehow I always wind up where I don't want to be, ranked, and holding a big ol target over my head screamin "I'm over hear come kill me!!!!"
I built in Antarctica because i figure, who would ever want to live here and play?... right?
WRONG. So very,very wrong.
I wind up next to the #1 ranked guy. I literally said to myself: "You have got to be flippin kiddin me."
So I made nice with the scary alliance and just commenced to sitting back, enjoying all the free boost the 1st 300 ticks gave me, and bid my time until the #1 guy, Kesherboy (? it was Kesher something) would inevitably fall, as they usually always do.
This guy literally owned 4/5ths of all colonies from the southeast corner to the middle of Antarctica where I am and about 20 ticks west.
By the time he got tired of playing and left, I had gates everywhere and a pretty good army, so mopping up his leftovers was a breeze, and now I'm rank 11.
As to why I am in TICK.
I applied to a few alliances when I came back to play on the NC. My ol buddy Simms offered me a spot in his alliance and Alex offered me a spot, but for the most part all I heard was "Apply at a later date when you know the NC." ---basically all I heard was, your a newb, go away.-----
Hmmm , I said...... Let's see here, played all the Beta testing, rocked the 1st, totally raped the 2nd, did a huge backstab stole 2 relics (well i stole 1 and took mine) and finished that age in BV. So it's not like I'm a fish outta water here.
Now all I get is mail, from people asking me to join, or people asking why a rank 11 guy is in a no body alliance.
Now you know.
And I've been seriously considering staying in my alliance. Crazy I know, but I do have most the major alliances as either allies, or personal friends so I can really see no immediate danger to my personal safety.
And I like these guys, kinda remind me of an alliance i once in.... NOPE

They took me in, harbored me, kept me warm at night in these frigid temperatures. Now all they do is worry I will leave em for a large alliance. Just like most other players out there would do.
Run off, join a top alliance, turn their back on the little people who got them there, and most likely kill their former alliance because they can.
Well we all know Orbit isn't most people. Orbit is Orbit. Period. I was at one time one of the top Diplomatic Advisers in the game. I knew everyone, and if I didn't know you, then someone I did know, would know. I helped everyone. I allways stood up for the new players and the battle weary Vets of this game. I stood against the mass donations to achieve victory, when I led BoP. I led nothing alliances, and played in them my whole career in order to teach, and show by example. Then something odd happened..... and after that nothing has been the same for me. So I left. And came back

(RUN RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!! THE GAME IS EVIL!!) becuase i just love this dang game. And I came to play
I will admit, I did seriously think of running off. Who wouldn't? It is tempting, and alluring to be sure.
But under deeper thought to the matter I can now honestly say I will be joining no alliances, I am in an alliance, any rumors to the contrary are plain false.
Thankx for your time.
Regards -Orbit-