Hello Fellow BD Players,
Its me The Real Bear Grylls and I am currently leader of NE2 in Fantasy 1, we are rank 6, P.S (I am not even trying this era), it is currently era 13 on F1 and I would like to say that in about 600 ticks the era will come to an end.
Next era I will not be playing for an NE sub, I am creating my own allaince of pros and intermediates, Thus i am looking for people who are active and loyal and have presently 20 achievments or more.
If you have any interest in joining and meet the requirements listed below please feel free to message me for detail.
1. You have email ( I will be making us a chat room, you need an email to sign up)
2. You are active (Log in at least 4 times a day and are available on allaince chat, there is a 9 hour sleep limit)
3. Have at least 20 Achievments ( These tell how good you are and what you have accomplished thus far in the game.)
4.Share phone number ( At your own risk, I don't think anyone will kill you for it, but if you get attacked and we can't find your number, don't blame the allaince, if you would like to communicate by email, thats fine too.0
5. Must have had experience being in big wars and knowing how to battle effectivley with units, nukes and spys.
6. Must have a nice attitude and must not be a crystal whore ( There is nothing more that i hate more than a crystal whore

~ If you happen to meet all of these requirements, then I would be honoured to play with you.